"Kauneinta on sinä itse, olet täydellinen.
Vahvinta on sinä itse, olet vahvin.
Voimaa on elämä, sinä itse." - Sessiessa

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Global healing meditation for Japan

Global healing meditation for Japan

on Monday, March 21 at 8.30 pm (EDT)

The images and stories from Japan have moved us all beyond measure. This Monday, March 21 – Deepak will guide us in a powerful meditation, sending our collective love and healing energy to those affected by the recent and ongoing tragic events in Japan. We invite you to join us in this global healing meditation broadcasted live from Atlanta at our Seduction of Spirit event. The meditation will begin at 8:30 p.m. (Eastern), 7:30 p.m. (Central), and 5:30 p.m. (Pacific).

Our individual intentions truly do make a difference. Collectively, we can make a world of difference. Join us in uniting our intentions for our friends in Japan . . .


  1. Miten tuo mahtaa toimia käytännössä? Skypellä?

  2. Ihan vaan netin kautta ymmärtääkseni. Ilmoittauduin jo.
